Tuesday, May 5, 2020

....HOW Ora of employees really matters to a SUCCESSFUL company


If a certain person exists who's being NEGATIVE and always try to put their coworkers down by putting negative comments about them towards the leaders .  Leaders have to have the WISDOM to understand the problem is  the PERSON who's gossiping about other employees NEGATIVELY.

Because this person who's always complaining about others is busy with monitoring others and making complaints about coworkers rather fulfilling the duties of them and working on a project that will help the company to grow.

But unfortunately in most of the companies I have worked I have seen this. Ultimately the skilled employees are leaving for a peaceful Environment by either joining another place or Finding their own place.

The Leader who's less with the wisdom tend to have a 'negative impression' about the 'creative worker' who actually helps the company without boasting to improve the company in many ways.

Sometimes the decisions and impressions are occured to the leader unconciously cause when a person comes up to you and speak up, you feel more biased to them than the person who doesnt appear in front of you always. This can make the leader to take a bad decision. Never judge things by what others say until you experience that by your own.

I hope this post helps you to think from a different dimension of what's going around.

Keep the wisdom spreading! Good luck!