Friday, April 24, 2015

Life at NSBM

Hello Guys , I'm back with a new post. :) Now I'm gonna talk about
  1.  How I joined NSBM?
  2. Why I joined? 
  3. What do I do?
  4. Events


After I got my first attempt results on A/Levels I wasn't satisfied with it. Because I always wanted to apply for a foreign university scholarship. Then I started studying for 2nd attempt of A /Levels Then I improved my results. :) But then I felt that it will take too long for me to apply a scholarship and get to a University. I had no interest on studying in a Government University. To be honest I hated seeing students get pressured on many issues and their valuable time will be in a burden. 

                    I was researching about Colleges/Universities , and courses for a LOooong time. Then I decided to do Computer Science at any institute in Sri Lanka. Then when I searched I saw ACBT has a CS degree itself. Then after few days I met one of my cousins in a bus who told me that one of my friends studying CS at NSBM.
                Then I was like "WHATT??? does NSBM has degrees. ? Trust me I only knew they had diplomas  :P Then I was totally satisfied. Because Bsc in Computer Science degree was offering from University College of Dublin , Ireland. Then I researched about university rankings. It was in top 200 universities in the world. Then I straightly rushed to NSBM with mom and registered for the September batch of 2013. Which was labeled as 13.2 batch :) ( I found this awkward since it was new) .

           I had heard of NSBM because my 2 of cousin brothers had studied here but I wasn't aware about that they offer degrees. The day I first entered to NSBM I felt like this is another world. And I saw how guys and girls are being friends and have fun as groups. It was new because I wasn't used to that when I was schooling ;D . AAAnyway, when I came to NSBM the first time to register what made me so happy was free wifi everywhere :D . I entered a random password with my Nokia E63,
I successfully entered the server. I felt so accomplished :P That was a common password and worked for many places :P /

          Alright talked too much unnecessary. ;) I was not so patient till we start the lectures. So I had been going through the syllabus and researching about modules. Then I started to learn coding from UDEMY. Then some of the senior students who were studying in NSBM helped me giving information about the course and the University because I have been bothering them all the time asking questions//

     In conclusion, what is most important about NSBM was the UCD who is offering the degree for me. Which fulfills my need of getting a foreign University degree and also at low cost in Sri Lanka.

We had orientations which was quite fun :D And then we got to know many undergraduates because of that. Mr. Chaminda Rathnayake who gave the first lecture for us and I was late that day ;) . But I learnt a lot of great things from him. few unforgettable things in my mind.
  • Wear the sunscreen

  • "Stay hungry , stay foolish" 


  • Respect each others to get respected. 

  • Why we should obey the disciplines on cloths at NSBM?
                                 We are all have come to the level of undergraduate. We still dont have any professional value. Once we finish our degree we will have a professional value. Then we'll be go in to different different professions. Then we can have our own identity beyond the disciplines. When we are at same level and also when we wear clothes agreeing to the disciplines at the institute we will feel like everyone is same :)

When I'm telling something everything in my memory just comes out :D Seems like my blogs will be very long :D

Since we started our lectures we all had our first semester as common lectures for everyone. Our lecturers give us soft copies of the lectures for our self studying. I realized that will be a huge problem when everyone's rushing in to the computer in the hall and ask for the lecture slideshows. SO I started up the grabbing details from all the students of there facebook names :) Then I started adding them, and then I created a facebook group for the 13.2 computing batch . SO then all  the students will be able to share the lecture slides at a one place :)

Then after few days when Mrs. Manoja  was asking how we share the slides my batch mates yelled that we have a group and then she appointed me as the batch representative. :D Had some issues with some students because I became the batch representative. So then we I introduced a poll system on fb :P Then I got most of the likes :P So then I became the batch representative again. Then I managed to appoint batch representatives for the separate degrees so that it will be easier for me to manage the batch :) . It was done as a reality vote system by raising hands in front of the lecture hall. The first days all the undergraduates were excited and having a lot of fun. 
Our  first presentations happened these days. 

Poshitha, Dinuka,Chamath, Me, Ravindu, Osman

These days there was a photoshoot for NSBM then I could get a chance to appear on the newspaper advertisements :). It was fun. I got to know many people. Because I have the personality to deal with any kind of a person. Since I 've been with all the types of people :) It gave me the strength to deal with many people.           

few samples of them.

some of the moments from the very first semester...

We were nearly kicked out of the KFC (Nugegoda ) :D

After 2-3 months NSBM we got talent was organized by 13.1 MIS batch . It was very interesting to me. Since I am a person who loves to entertain a crowd I rushed to the organizing team and talked. After the auditions, I was selected for dancing and singing items. It was really good for students who had talents :) ! It went so well. The day the final show happened I got my 2nd attempt A Ls results (ABBC= GEnglish, CMaths, Physics,Chemistry ) :)  It was one of the happiest days in my life. I did 2 singing items as a group song and a solo. Then I did two dancing items as well. End of the talent show I got a great feedback from the crowd. It made me so happy. :) After few days I realized not everyone we call friends are friends. Reality of the people will come out gradually  :) Anyway,all the time my only best friend was my girlfriend "NILI ". I ll tell about her story in a different post :D

Me performing Dedunna wage at We got talent 2013

                                  Our first batch party was happened after the talent show. It was a wonderful day. 

Then there was this other event organized by the 13.1 UGC Management batch. I was still selected for singing. :) It was held in Bishops College auditorium,, And i could meet Billy Fernando, Indrachapa Liyanage aaand Nadeeka Guruge :) 

                   Every year APIIT organizes the event "Sports Extravaganza". In December 2013 I participated as a member of Rugby team of NSBM. In the inter-university tournament we achieved the "Plate Runners up" We only did practice 2 days. We got our jerseys done within 16 hours. It was wonderful that we did an amazing game :) . 
Me with blue color socks.

Our coach is wearing the Yellow Color  top.

Meanwhile the games are going on

I kept my GPA 4.0 in first semester  then in the middle of the second semester of the first year I got selected for the Sri Jayewardenapura University for the physical science degree. Therefore I couldn't come to the lectures at NSBM. But in the second semester I still managed to Keep my GPA for 3.85 :) . These days there was the Siapathsiya Udanaaya the Sinhala and Tamil new year festival. I participated for the Aurudu Kumaraya for the first time ever in my life. :D Aaannd I was not selected for final 3. :D But it was still a good experience once you should have done in your life :)

A moment from the Aurudu Kumaraya competition


 Then I installed the Computer Science club in our 13.2 Computing batch . With the support of the previous board president Uditha Siriwardana, and secretary Supun Abeywickrama. I was appointed as the "President of the Computer Science Club" . Since I was appointed our page got 850+ likes. It was 6 in the beginning. I'll tell you about this club in a seperate post :D Since there are son many delicious stories that I can share with you.. :)

Me and Haswin Talking to the committee.

Will be continued .... :)

             It was my 2nd year first semester when we started CSC ( Computer Science club.) Then we launched 3 projects. Somehow 2 projects were done. 1 was "Guidance " The career guidance seminar which went well. The other one was out of academics. It was Halloween party. Many awesome bunch of people supported in these projects :) . 

End of the Guidance 14'

                             In this semester, I participated for the "Tantalize" the inter- University talent competition. I participated in 4 categories :)

[(Solo +group) (singing+dancing)]   *Solve the equation and see ;)

I post some pics of them here.

At Solo singing

At Solo dancing 

Our Dancing Group "Trojans"

Our Singing group "Evolution"

You might wonder if I never attended for lectures :) .. I did. All you need to have is a good balanced personality. I managed everything somehow. Not only these. There are so many things I did while the same time. Some of the times I had to prioritize the events in my life. Because it became to appear many events at same time. I 'll explain about my academic achievements in another post. :)
Will be continued.. 

One of the amazing events "NSBM Walk 2014" was organizing in this semester. Ama De Silva, who is a good friend of mine.  Currently the rotaract President. He asked us to do a "Flash Mob" for the event promotion. So yeah WE DID IT. It went well than we thought . :)

Me with the Red cap in the background.

Check out the video :) 

           Last year at the end of the semester , Rotaract club of NSBM organized the Flair 14' event. It was an acoustic music event. I must say the best singing events happened at the NSBM. Every students who showed their talents and got selected could perform an item. :).

These were some of the moments...
Zehenazeeb song team. 
Kasun at left who played the guitar. and Nawoda akka in the middle who sang the duet with me.

Live Chipmunk version ;) 

While the duet was going on ..

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