Monday, April 27, 2015

Memories at Japura (Sri Jayawardenapura University)

Hi Reader,

Today I'm going to share about "What I mentioned in the heading " :)

           It was the 1st year 2nd Semester that I was studying at NSBM. One day ( 18th Match 2014) when I went home, my mom  was like "Piumal! , You have got a mail " I was surprised seeing a mail from UGC (University Grants Commission) It had said that I have been selected for the Sri Jayawardenapura University for the Physical Science degree. That moment I went so high with my happiness.. That was one of the best moments you can ever feel in your life.

Because only around 15% of A/L(Advanced Level) passed students will get the chance to be selected to a government University. The first day I was really scared because I had heard the rumors about "Freshers RAGGING" .

To be honest it is pressuring for the freshers the first few days. Few days passed. We got to know that our faculty is an "Anti- Rag" faculty.  (my faculty was known as "Faculty of Applied Science" )

We were so happy. But wait. Not the whole story happy and peaceful at all. There were another team who did ragging freshers. Basically the guys who used to rag freshers are in the hostel. Them were looking very weird and also I saw them like psycho people. (No offence.! I'm not judging them for who they are. But it is not the way a student who wants to study peacefully expect) 95% of the students in the faculty were Anti Raggers. Good for us ;)

Okay I'll go back to my story. When I entered the university , the nature of it looked sooooo beautiful. Unlike just buildings. Let me share few of them.

(C) Didula Egodage
The road you see when you just enter to the university. 

(C) Didula Egodage
A building located in Zoology department

(C) Didula Egodage

(C) Didula Egodage
An old statue

(C) Didula Egodage
Forestry and Chemistry departments

(C) Didula Egodage
This place is known as "Ehela wala" 

(C) Didula Egodage
Another pic of "Ehela wala" 

(C) Didula Egodage
USJP ground

(C) Didula Egodage

I met many people I knew when I was schooling :) . So by linking and linking with the students they knew we made up a group. We used to hang out in the university. We roamed around the university, We played carom, table tennis, badminton, tennis many sports :) And also we did a lot of chit chatting and making fun of each others. It was really fun. Everyone had a label tagged in the university :) Below I'm sharing about my group of friends and places we used to hangout. 

Chanuka(Puncha),Edmond(Eda),Pasindra and Asiri,
We were chatting in a summer hut( A summer hut is a place which is built in public in the university where students can study and socialize )  
In the background you can see at the left side the first building is the gym. At right side its the tennis court)

The panorama was captured weirdly. Sorry about it.
from the left Its Pavani and Sahani. (Stupid 2)

While we was walking back to the wala canteen.. 

Sahani, Chanuka, Edmond, Asiri, Pavani, Pasindra
Basically this was our initial team :) 

Some Ice-cream moment at Mac Donald's ;) 

             After like a week, our seniors organized the sports day called "Amicizia" . We were devided to groups and did so many games. At the end of the day it was DJ party. It was so fun. Though it was raining in the evening all the students danced like its the final day they get to live. :D I think that's the freedom a fresher expect. We all the freshers were so happy. And we felt how lucky we were. Even though in between  through so many things of raggers they did it for us. It was an unforgettable day. 

at the award ceremony of the sports day. :) 

Meanwhile the DJ was going on..

My sports day Team " Mala Magulai" :) 
If you refer this link you can find more pics .

After few days the "Haritha wasanthaya " Sinhala and Hindu New year festival came. We enjoyed it a lot. 
There were so many New Year games. And we got new year sweets as well. This is annually organized by the forestry science students :) 
successful move :D 

Have you seen him ? :D 

Blind pot breaking (Kana mutti bindeema) 

Few days before the new year festival we had a cricket match with our 2nd years. 

New year Swing :) Many girls enjoyed it. 

Academic Life

'                     My initial subject combination was Maths, Management and Physics,. But it was so boring at some of the physics lectures. So then I changed my combination to Maths , Chemistry and Management. It was challenging a lot. I did a stupid decision there. Even though I loved going to Chemistry lectures ;) . I couldn't survive in the chemistry lab. I was labeled as "Slow motion" by our lab assistants . It was very embarrassing to be the last person to complete the practical sessions. :D I loved maths and Managements modules. But not the chemistry. It was late to change my combination back to  Physics. Then I realized I'm not learning from there. Then I decided to carry on with only the Computer Science degree at NSBM. Because that;s what I am good at. :) I am more confident with computers than test tubes. Then I dropped the University of Jayawardenapura. But before ending I 'll share the events I attended.  

Sleepy at a Kuppi!!! :D

Annual Freshers Athletic meet

Our Team won the championship for Rugby :) 
From left (Shan, Rasanjana,Tiger, Tharuka, Sajan, Kalingu, Me) 

I also participated for the field events ( Put shot, Javelin throw and Discuss throw) 

The Annual Pirith Chanting FAS- USJP

The Annual "Pirith Chanting was happened. All the students of the faculty had wore white clothes. It was a whole night till morning. By attending to the Pirith everyone could refresh their minds. It gives you strength to your work. I'm sharing some of the moments that day.

Vesak Dansala

Brothers and sisters of our faculty joined together the day before the dansala was gonna happen. While girls were washing vegetables and cutting them guys were making the hut and they did the hard work :) We could see the power of unity, the strength of the youth. It was truly amazing. 

Sisi Arundathee (The talent show of the Faculty of applied science) 

The biggest concert that a university faculty organize annually. It was truly fun. We had auditions. I was selected for dancing. I couldn't go to the singing auditions because that day I went to NSBM siyapathsiya udaanaya. :) I was selected for the hiphop dancing crew. It was so fun to practice with seniors and all as friends.
Imesha and Madurus :) 

Me in the middle with the yellow/brown Cap :D
Watch the dance below. 


3rd years Dance :) 

Organizers (3rd years) dancing on the stage.

Japura Hockey Team

One of the best things happened in my life was to be able to join as a permanent team member who  will less experience with hockey. I became the "goalie" of the team. 

 Hockey team had a different culture. I learnt so many good things from them. The team is very supportive to each other. They talk to you like friends. There were no senior junior gap between as. All worked hard as a family. Even when I had to wear all the goalie pads the team members supported me. One day after a practice match they had ordered fizzy drinks from the canteen. After the match, we serve it to the people who supports us, and the viewers who come to watch us practicing. It's like a tradition. The hockey team got so much love from the fellow undergraduates. As well as they show the good colors :) The two awesome people who are taking care of sports equipment Priyatha ayya and Sarath uncle. They gave me so much support. :) Will add up a new post soon about Hockey life. This is the best achievement we got at Mora Hockey 7's . We became champions.   

Life with AIESEC

at last year(2014) JXLDS 

Aiesec is the most cool society I have ever seen. Within AIESEC you can build up your personality to a good leader, organizing skills, management skills. Its a worldwide huge company where students work without any profit. You get to attend to parties, conferences, meet professionals. Involve in projects. Meet people from different countries.   There are so much to share memories with AIESEC JLC.  I will come up with a different post about AIESEC.


The best thing I got from Japura was my group of friends. They might be angry with me. But to be honest I miss them always. Because them were the only group I could survive for a long time.

Sports day.. 

Asiri's Birthday parrty..

The first trip of our batch. Couldn't participate. 

Roshana(baba),Pavani,Dineth,Sahani,Vishwa,Kaushi(KK),Asiri,Gethmini,Tharuka(Watta),Rasanjana(Laila/Ranja),Edomond(Eda), Pasindra

  Time has passed. Nearly a year. So many things has changed :) Most of the singles who were in the group became couples :) I left the University because I felt that I'm not learning anything there. 
I hope my friends will not forget me. It was honestly fun being with a gang that is in the same mind set as you. They can understand you more. I miss them.. I wish the best for them. Out of all, All I wanted to do is to give something to the world. If  I was carrying on my degree at Japura, I wont be able to go to my targets...It's said if you wanna get something, You need to do sacrifices... Hope you enjoyed reading What I enjoyed. There are so many things to type. But I did shorten a lot. Will add up more in future :)

Happy Reading ! Have a nice day!